红宝石餐厅蒙特娄市中式餐厅,港式三宝,猪肉,鸡肉,鸭肉,麻婆豆腐, 提供早茶,像是虾饺、凤爪、烧麦;这里的海鲜也很不错,有炒蛤蜊、炒螃蟹、广式小点心,特色包括了蛋挞、叉烧包、虾饺、烧卖、春卷等。
蒙特娄市中式餐厅,港式三宝,猪肉,鸡肉,鸭肉,麻婆豆腐, 提供早茶,像是虾饺、凤爪、烧麦;这里的海鲜也很不错,有炒蛤蜊、炒螃蟹、广式小点心,特色包括了蛋挞、叉烧包、虾饺、烧卖、春卷等。
星期一: 11:00–21:00
星期二: 11:00–21:00
星期三: 11:00–21:00
星期四: 11:00–21:00
星期五: 11:00–21:00
星期六: 11:00–21:00
星期日: 11:00–21:00
用户: ciel zhang
评分: 5
便宜好吃ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
年轻一点的服务员小哥态度比较好 特别会说话
东西调味很ok也不会口味太重 适合淡口味的
用户: yao yao
评分: 2
用户: 张雅婷
评分: 1
这里服务态度非常差。因为不说粤语而且是中国人,你的菜就会来得非常慢。而且服务生会试图教训你。在我们没有付钱的时候就把茶杯连同餐具一起收走。因此我并不打算付小费。但他们会强迫你付至少10%,还会告诉你必须这样,你不这样就是没有给服务付钱(1. 这里根本不会给你服务,如果你是不说粤语的中国人;2. 他们要求你给小费的态度像是你不给小费的话该餐厅的员工都没有收入了一样)。最后我给了7%的小费。但他们以为我听不懂粤语,就故意用粤语抱怨我完全不给小费,而且骂我。这简直是中国人对中国人的种族歧视。
The service at here are so bad!They will treat you with a terrible attitude,just becaus you are chinese and you don't speak Cantonese. And the food come so late. It is also because you are chinese and you don't speak Cantonese. They even clean our table before we pay. The sever always precept you when you order foods(the server didn't feel satisfy as HE THOUGHT we order to much)! What a awful place that full of discrimination.
Finally,they force me to tip them for 10%. I pay 5% at the end. But they said I didn't pay and used some mean words to scold us in Cantonese. Because they thought that I cannot understand Cantonese.
用户: Ivy Han
评分: 1
服务态度极差!今天在肠粉里吃到了一根头发,给店员看过后不承认是头发说是纤维,我只好把整根揪出来,她们改口说是猪毛,可我点的是牛肉肠粉…这样还是死不承认是头发。整顿饭下来店员阿姨的服务态度给我们感觉就像是被几个阿姨轮流凶了一遍..非常没耐心没礼貌。因为这样最后小费给了5%,她们竟然把走掉的我们叫住并质问我们为什么给的这么低,我们如实讲了之后,她们竟然说:“有的人就是因为不想给小费然后故意说吃到了什么什么” “你自己上网搜搜最低就是给10%” 在加拿大这么久,这是我第一次给这么低的小费,现在觉得5%都是多给了。
用户: Wang Crystal
评分: 1
Today I went to this restaurant to buy barbecue pork, the cook over the pork counter is a native speaker of Cantonese and has a bad pronunciation of Mandarin. I can hardly understand what he is saying, so I ask to confirm,and then I heard he say in Mandarin with a not small voice:' What a fool!' I was angry and query him, but he didn't admit and was shamed to hand over my stuff to the cashier. The restaurant was so crowded and I even could not find a manager, so I told the cashier the entire thing, she promised to punish the man, but I believe she will palter with the truth. Because this is a Cantonese based restaurant! I don't want to believe all Cantonese speaker is so unfriendly, but it hurts me a lot. It is not only an offence but also a kind of prejudice! I think one star is too much for this restaurant, they even don't have a rule at all. I will never go to there, and I appeal you guys try not to go there , you will be called a fool, too.
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