
人身伤害和保险索赔专家律师楼 Personal Injury & Insurance Claims

沈先生 Robert Shen(英语/国语/粤语/闽南语)及其团队专注处理车祸、摔倒、STD/LTD及各类保险拒赔案件,成功率高,服务周到。不成功不收费,免费咨询及探访服务,确保为客户争取最大赔偿。联系我们获取专业法律帮助。

沈先生 | 安省律师公会注册的资深法律顾问 | 索克乐福律师行 | 人身伤害和保险索赔专家律师楼

不成功 不收费! 24 /hrs 免费咨询! 30多年专业经验!

联系电话: 416-818-3668


微信: Robert0056189

网站 :

Robert Shen | Sokoloff Lawyers | Personal Injury and Insurance Claims Specialist

No Win No Fee! 24/7 Free Consultation! Over 30 years of professional experience!

Contact Number: 416-818-3668


WeChat: Robert0056189

Please visit our website: for English version.


如果您有任何人身伤害,车祸,摔倒,STD 或LTD及各种保险索赔被拒,赶快联系我们!一定帮您成功争取到最好的赔偿!一定不会辜负您的信任和委托!!


欢迎比较!欢迎查询!  不成功, 决不收费!

如果不幸出现车祸和受伤, 不用惊慌!你要马上打电话向专业律师咨询,进而寻求法律帮助! 这样, 才能保证您的成功索赔! 我们提供免费咨询, 免费家访和医院探视!!!

提醒: 在加拿大, 律师没有排名次,没有第一名的说法。 要警惕那些自称“ 大律师和御用律师”的广告, 因为在加拿大没有大律师和御用律师的头衔!一定要看这个律师行有多少年经验,有几个律师,有多少雇员。 “经验丰富和 实力雄厚” 是不是真的。“最高赔偿”是不是真的!他们是不是律师, 是不是会为您的案子支付相关费用,等等。比较后你才决定!

强大实力 位于多伦多最繁华的BAY和BLOOR区域,拥有三处办公楼, 60多个雇员。 我们敢说实力雄厚,业绩超群!

覆盖服务区域: 提供大多地区的免费咨询, 免费家访和医院探视服务。

专业: 我们会根据我们几十年的专业经验,根据不断变化的法律规定,为您的案子精心设计。我们更会安排专业的医疗评估和为您的案子提供权威的专家报告。推荐专业的康复团队,为您创造良好的索赔和康复环境,保证您的案子成功索赔!!

多语言支持: 团队成员讲超过10种语言,尤其是国语、粤语及其他东南亚语言,确保您沟通无障碍。

业绩: SOKOLOFF 律师楼, 数十年来, 我们竭诚为安省客户和广大华人客户服务。业界内有口皆碑! 信誉超群!名副其实!!

承诺: 我们讲您的语言,懂您的需求, 了解您的痛苦,我们会为您做好心理和身体各方面准备,共同迎接挑战,赢得成功索赔!!无论何时,您都能得到及时的专业服务!


While life is full of challenges, our team has achieved remarkable results through professionalism and hard work. Our team averages over $1,000,000 in settlements each month!

If you have suffered any personal injuries, such as those from car accidents, slip-and-fall incidents, or if your STD or LTD claims have been denied, contact us immediately! We are committed to helping you secure the best compensation possible and will not betray your trust and confidence in us!

Our performance is truly among the best in the field!

We welcome comparisons and inquiries! No WIN No FEE !

In the unfortunate event of a car accident or injury, don’t panic! Call us right away to consult with a professional attorney for legal assistance. This is the best way to ensure your successful claim! We offer free consultations, home visits, and hospital visits!

Reminder: In Canada, lawyers are not ranked, and there is no such thing as a “top lawyer.” Be cautious of advertisements that claim to be from “leading or appointed lawyers,” as there are no such titles in Canada! You should consider how many years of experience the law firm has, how many attorneys are on staff, and how many employees there are. Is their claim of “experience and strength” genuine? Is the promise of “maximum compensation” credible? Are they licensed attorneys? Will they cover the related costs for your case? Only after careful comparison should you make your decision!

Strong Capabilities: Located in Toronto's busiest BAY and BLOOR area, we operate from three office buildings with over 60 employees. We confidently assert our strength and outstanding performance!

Service Area Coverage: We offer free consultations, home visits, and hospital visits throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

Professional Expertise: Drawing from decades of experience and adapting to evolving legal regulations, we meticulously design strategies for your case. We arrange professional medical evaluations and provide authoritative expert reports. Our recommended rehabilitation teams will help create an optimal environment for your claims and recovery, ensuring your successful compensation!

Multilingual Support: Our team members speak over 10 languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, and various Southeast Asian languages, ensuring clear communication without barriers.

Reputation: For decades, SOKOLOFF Law Firm has dedicated itself to serving clients in Ontario and the Chinese community, earning a stellar reputation in the industry! Our credibility is unparalleled!

Commitment: We speak your language, understand your needs, and empathize with your pain. We prepare you mentally and physically to face challenges together and win your compensation! You can count on receiving timely and professional service at any time!

24-Hour Chinese Hotline: We provide legal assistance year-round, 365 days a year: 416-818-3668.

  • 联系人 沈先生 Robert Shen
  • 电话 +14168183668
  • 地址 120 Scollard St, Toronto, ON M5R 1G2, Canada
  • 网站
人身伤害和保险索赔专家律师楼 Personal Injury & Insurance Claims